PG Mall Maybank QRPay Cashback | Blog Shiqin Sunshine PG Mall Maybank QRPay Cashback | Blog Shiqin Sunshine

PG Mall Maybank QRPay Cashback

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

 Assalamualaikum & Hi,

PG Mall Maybank QRPay Cashback | Have you all heard of PG Mall? PG Mall is the Malaysia No.1 E-commerce platform which was established since 2017. It is the only Local e-commerce platform in Malaysia. PG Mall ranked top 3 in Iprice insight report .

In collaboration with Maybank, Maybank QRPay was introduced in PG Mall with 20% off cashback capped at RM20 with minimum spend of RM30. Its for 2x usage within the campaign period. 

Guys, please be alert with the promotion period ya! ;) It is from 4th May until 26th June 2020 with extra Durian runtuh guys : 2 times x RM20 = RM40 per Maybank account to shop on PGMall! Yesza!

Shop, Share, Earn

With PG Mall, shoppers not only get to shop for a wide variety of goods at irresistible price, they could also earn as they shop and share their awesome shopping experiences with friends and family. 

Cashback rewards can be earned once a successful transaction is made through personal or referrals' purchase. Very useful for those who love shopping!! 

The more the referral spends the more cashback to be earned by the referee (introducer), on top of cashback earned purchases.

Forever Cashback up to 3.5%

Besides, they also offer a forever cashback up to 3.5%!! Wow, what an interesting point here. Forever cashback is an eye catching for those who love shopping with cashback like me!

PG Mall offers them continuous rewards in exchange for their ongoing purchase and support, through their own PG Mall "Forever Cash Back" program, where they will be rewarded for referring new buyers to shopping with PG Mall through a referral program which is the first in the world.

Merchant Recruitment Incentive 

This “Merchant Recruitment Incentive” is a special incentive for you to successfully introduce or recruit them to the PG Mall. There are various incentives provided for different merchants that lead to PGMall (Refer to the “Merchant Recruitment Incentive” picture above for more information). 

The way to recruit or introduce your dealer or friend is to fill out the recruiter's information in the form from this link  (https://bit.ly/RecruitMerchant). 

And it is subject to the terms and conditions. For further inquiries or information please contact the PG Mall Head of E-Commerce (Box 011-5509 7916)

There's a lot of our necessities can be purchased from PG Mall like skincare, make up, health products, clothing, electrical and electronic products, home appliances, accessories, beauty products and more!

It was an awesome E-comerce mall for those who love online shopping! So what are you waiting for guys? Come on start your online shopping at  www.pgmall.my!

Check out more details below:

Website: www.pgmall.my 
Facebook: PGMallOfficial
Instagram: PGMall.my

#PGMall #onlineshopping #shopping #MalaysiaNo1ecommerceplatform #ecommerceplatform #MaybankQRPayCashback #Maybank2u #Maybank #ShopOnline # Shopfromhome


  1. macam menarik PG Mall ni.. ada macam -macam tapi rasanya nama PG Mall ni macam tak berapa nak komersial. Haha. Tak dapat nak buat orang teringat-ingat. just my 2 cents

    1. Tu la mungkin mula2 je kot nnt terkenal la tu hehe

  2. ramai share pasal pgmall ni. best sebab ada cashback. shopping raya lah kita

    1. Best kan shopping2 dpt cashback boleh shoppong bnda lain plak hihi

  3. It's really is Durian runtuh this Raya! Nak shop more and easily on PG Mall now. Selamat Hari Raya

  4. Wahh menarik konsepnya sopin banyak2 dpt cashback balik..mmg berbaloi sopin di pgmall..nti i boleh singgah sini

    1. Betul2 hehe mmg best kan klu shopping dpt cashback

  5. Ni nak soping dah tak sempat nak dapat ...so kita cuci mata je dulu kan..nasib baik dah awal-awal beli masa PGmall buat kempen raya tu, berbaloii banyak diskaun hebat ada...


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