Mengapa NYAMUK suka korang?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Stop it!! Plezz paparazzi....

Holla the nyamuk haters semua!! Nak dipendekkan cerita sebenarnya nyamuk tu

kamera kecil yang nak snap pic korang tanpa pengetahuan...ish3...macam ni 

pon ade??  Serabut kan rasa? yela walaupun aku suka orang snap pic aku..... 

ahahha....sometimes it's annoying you know??...BAJET JER.

-----------------------------The End of story------------------------------

Okla, ni antara sebab kenapa NYAMUKS suka sangat dekat korang.... *siapa tak paham bahasa omputeh, sila copy paste kat google translate....Trolololll

The following are a list reasons for why some people, more than others, may attract mosquitoes

· Cholesterol and steroids-People who have high levels of cholesterol and steroids on their skin are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes. This does not mean that mosquitoes like to follow people who have high levels of cholesterol, instead, this may mean that the person produces a lot of cholesterol and it remains on the skin.

· Certain acids - This especially goes for people with high levels of uric acid. The scent is so strong to mosquitoes that it allows them to use their sense of smell, therefore, following a particular person.

· Carbon dioxide - Mosquitoes are drawn to carbon dioxide. People who give off a lot of CO2 are more likely to be bitten by a mosquito than others.

·  Heat - Mosquitoes love the heat.

· Pregnant women - This goes back to the whole carbon dioxide issue. Pregnant women exhale more CO2 than the average person, therefore, they have a greater chance of being bitten by a mosquito.

· Blood type - Different blood types give off different types of odors that may or may not attract mosquitoes. For example, type O blood attracts more mosquitoes than any other blood type due to the fact that it has the highest odor in the body's fluids that mosquitoes pick up on.

· Movement - Mosquitoes aim for moving objects. That is why many people who play outdoor sports will get numerous mosquito bites. This is from the heat and movement coming from this person.
· Soft skin - People with soft skin make it easier for mosquitoes to penetrate their beaks into the flesh of it's target. Once the mosquito has chosen it's target, it will remain there simply for it's own ease.

Ada lagi beberapa information yang aku nak selitkan kat sini. Aku pernah terbaca kat salah sebuah article tentang cara-cara mencegah gigitan nyamuk.


Jangan pakai baju bewarna gelap. Sebab nyanyuk nyamuk mudah tertarik kat warna tersebut.

Pakai baby lotion / lotion anti-nyamuk.

Pakai repellant....cari kat farmasi ade jual bak hang....

Guna kelambu.

Makan bawang putih. Ada orang cakap, dengan makan bawang putih, boleh menghidarkan diri daripada gigitan nyamuk. Aku tak cuba lagi, so, aku tak tahu. Tapi ada yang aku baca dia dah cuba. Tapi tak berkesan langsung.

Yang penting hapuskan tempat pembiakan nyamuk! *iklan tv


Selamat mencuba!!

Guna ubat nyamuk jenis plug


  1. x paham bahasa omputeh tu, tolong terjemahkan :P

  2. kalau missha, sebb darah manis kot.. mungkin ada rasaa air sirap ke..err,..haha

  3. jgn pakai baju warna terang atau gelap?so,nk pakai baju apa?baju putih..~yuho0..xmenakutkan ke?hehe..xD

  4. nice!!

  5. hmm...
    kerap gak kena serang bila balik Malaysia.. mungkin soft skin tu betul kot (lol)


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